Strong Room Door 1 SRD Optimized
Strong Room Door fitness coach 46 Red
Strong Room Door SECURE 2 1






For Co-Operative Banks, Jewellery Store, Pawn Stores, Financial Institutions…

Door slab :

Total thickness of slab is 100mm. The outer layer of the door slab is of a tough tested qualify of M.S. Plate. It is further reinforced by a composite thick layer of double duty barrier material and layer of flame and arc resistance (special) alloy which provides dependable protection against fire and attack of power drilling, Oxyacetylene flame and arc cutting. This dual protection is provided over the entire lock case. Over all thickness of Door 180mm and made as per IS 11188 (2014).

 Door frame:

Tested quality 10mm thick M.S. plate is used for fabricating the one-piece-bent angle door frame. For strength and rigidity, the frame is suitable, reinforced along the height and width. A special ‘Box’-jamb is welded to the frame to provide the strong rebate for the shooting bolt.


Automatic re-locking device:

A standard feature on the door, this sensitive device is triggered off when an attack is attempted on the lock through the keyhole with any instrument. This automatic re-locking device guards all the keylocks.

Adjustable hinge:

The hinges are properly aligned both vertically and horizontally for ensuring smooth and easy operation of the door. The hinge enables the door shutter to be adjusted vertically so that it maintains an accurate fit with the frame.


The Door is provided two high-precision 10 levers dual control locks with Stainless keys in duplicate.

Your Business is Secured


Strong Room Door Secure SRDC SH 0001 Layer 3 1
Strong Room Door Secure SRDC SH 0000 Layer 4
SECURE-SRDC  Strong Room Door Secure SRDC SH 0001 Layer 3 1
SECURE-SRDC  Strong Room Door Secure SRDC SH 0000 Layer 4
previous arrow  Strong Room Door svg xml base64 PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iMjYiIGhlaWdodD0iMjYiIHhtbG5zPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAwL3N2ZyI 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 CiAgICA8L2c Cjwvc3ZnPg
next arrow  Strong Room Door svg xml base64 PHN2ZyB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciIHdpZHRoPSIyNiIgaGVpZ2h0PSIyNiI CiAgICA8ZyBmaWxsPSJub25lIj4KICAgICAgICA8Y2lyY2xlIGN4PSIxMyIgY3k9IjEzIiByPSIxMiIgZmlsbD0iIzAwMCIgc3Ryb2tlPSIjZmZmIiBzdHJva2Utd2lkdGg9IjIiIG9wYWNpdHk9Ii41Ii8 CiAgICAgICAgPHBhdGggZmlsbD0iI2ZmZiIKICAgICAgICAgICAgICBkPSJNMTIuNTY1IDE2LjgyMmMuMTI2LjEyLjI3LjE4Mi40MzYuMTgyLjE2OCAwIC4zMS0uMDYuNDMtLjE4Mmw0LjM4LTQuMTc1Yy4xMjgtLjEyLjE5LS4yNjIuMTktLjQyNCAwLS4xNi0uMDYyLS4zMDItLjE5LS40MjNsLS42NS0uNjIyYy0uMTI1LS4xMi0uMjcyLS4xODItLjQ0LS4xODItLjE3IDAtLjMxNC4wNi0uNDM2LjE4MmwtMy4zMTQgMy4xNi0zLjI1LTMuMTZjLS4xMjYtLjEyLS4yNy0uMTgyLS40My0uMTgyLS4xNjYgMC0uMzEuMDYtLjQzNS4xODJsLS42NjIuNjIyYy0uMTI2LjEyLS4xOS4yNjItLjE5LjQyMyAwIC4xNjIuMDY0LjMwMy4xOS40MjRsNC4zNzMgNC4xNzV6Ii8 CiAgICA8L2c Cjwvc3ZnPg

Strong Room Door "C" Class ( All Sizes in inches : Hx W x D )

Model SRD 'C'

Model SRD J

Outer Dimension 86" x 49" x 11"

Outer Dimension 80" x 43" x 11"

Inner Dimension 78" x 36" x 11"

Inner Dimension 72" x 30" x 11"

Weight  (Approx) 900 Kg

Weight (Approx) 700 Kg

Strong Room Door "B" Class ( All Sizes in inches : Hx W x D )

Model SRD 'B'

Model SRD J

Outer Dimension 86" x 49" x 11"

Outer Dimension 80" x 43" x 11"

Inner Dimension 78" x 36" x 11"

Inner Dimension 72" x 30" x 11"

Weight  (Approx) 1250 Kg

Weight (Approx) 900 Kg

Need More information?

Strong Room Door fitness coach 42


‘Raghu Building’, 1st Floor, No. 675/3, 20th Cross, Near Navrang Theatre, MKK Road, 2nd Block, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru - 560 010.

Contact Info

+91-81057 41172 | +91-93412 81458


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